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8 Ways to Cultivate Happiness in Children


Maria Montessori (2019, p. 72) said, “A child’s needs are simple and a happy childhood needs only simple surroundings.” While this is easier said than done, here are 8 simple ways for parents and educators to help children find happiness.

  1. Foster Strong Social Connections

    To help your child experience positive emotions, encourage them to develop strong friendships and relationships. These connections foster feelings of security, belonging, and purpose.

  2. Model Grace & Courtesy

    Demonstration is key. Displaying acts of kindness inspires others to do the same. Small gestures, such as holding the door open for someone can have a profound impact.

  3. Introduce & Practice Mindfulness

    Being present and in the moment promotes attentiveness. Encouraging children to focus on all 5 senses demonstrates their ability to appreciate their surroundings and feelings.

  4. Lead an Appreciation Practice

    Share your gratitude and provide opportunities for children to do the same. Create a routine to express what each person is grateful for. Creating a nurturing environment where children feel supported to express both positive and negative emotions can lead to happiness. 

  5. Set Goals

    Help children feel motivated by setting short and long-term goals. Aid in developing actionable steps to guide them towards achieving these goals and encourage them to visualize the process. By engaging in this method, you can monitor and support their advancement.

  6. Provide Opportunities for Movement

    There is a direct correlation between physical activity and happiness. When students are able to enjoy fresh air and move freely in their environment, they tend to exhibit higher levels of joy and overall well-being.

  7. Have a Sense of Humor

    It is no doubt that engaging in activities that bring laughter enhances feelings of happiness. Even reciprocating a smile can help release endorphins to boost everyone’s mood.

  8. Help Children Identify and Pursue their Interests

    Encourage children to explore and pursue their interests, as engaging in activities they love helps them stay focused and present.

We are grateful to Dr. Montessori for her insightful words and wisdom, which have helped both parents and educators support children in cultivating happiness.


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