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Program for


3 - 6


To produce great scholars will be useless unless they are also integrated, committed, respecting, loving and caring human beings. This is the theme of Montessori Cosmic Education.


We at Arborland Montessori Children’s Academy sincerely endorse Dr. Montessori’s belief that the goal of early childhood education should not be to fill the child with facts for a preselected course of study, but rather to cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn


The primary age child is a sensorial learner, and not ready for abstract concepts. Based on this fact all the lessons at the primary level appeal to the five senses. At this age the child also absorbs ideas spontaneously, what Dr. Montessori called “The Absorbent Mind.” From birth to the age of six, the child has sensitive periods of learning different topics. Modern day educators refer to these as “windows of opportunities.” These are periods in a child’s life where there is a strong natural need and an attraction to learn and absorb a specific idea or subject–therefore in the primary classroom all education is geared to take advantage of these sensitive periods. All the attractive materials are aids to learning specific concepts; they are not “toys.” The teacher, who is also referred to as a guide, makes presentations, after making observations to fit the lesson to the particular sensitive period the child is going through. After the initial presentation, the child is free to repeat the lesson/exercise as many times as necessary, to aid perfection. At the primary level the child is given all the tools necessary to develop into a productive and successful adult.


In the Montessori classroom, this objective is approached by allowing each child to experience the excitement of learning by his/her own choice rather than by being forced. It is also approached by helping the child perfect his/her natural tools for learning, so that the child’s abilities will be maximized for future learning situations. Montessori materials have this dual, long-range purpose in addition to their immediate purpose of giving specific information to the child.


Practical Life

Teaching respect for one's self, other living things, and caring for the environment



Learning phonetic sounds of letters before learning alphabetical names in sequence

Tree 3

Science & Nature

Experimenting with simple chemistry projects to introduce basic science principles

Tree 4


Using 5 senses to explore new information in a natural way to learn


Geography & Culture

Introducing to maps of the world and all continents, connecting understanding to materials


Music & Movement

Developing child's auditory sense and balance through musical exercises

Tree 3

Math & Geometry

Extending the need to communicate and fascination with numerical language

Tree 4

Arts & Crafts

Expressing emotions without words and subliminal gift giving messaging


Character Development

Learning patience and consideration for others through gaining and giving respect

We're here to nurture your child to become the best version of themselves. By helping your child perfect his/her natural tools for learning, he/she will be prepared to learn for the rest of his/her academic career.

To apply, please contact us at 714 - 871 - 2311

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Hughes Dr. Campus

2121 Hughes Drive

Fullerton, CA 92833


Tel: 714 - 871 - 3111

Fax: 714 - 525 - 9925

Valencia Dr. Campus

1700 W. Valencia Drive

Fullerton, CA 92833


Tel: 714 - 871 - 2311

Fax: 714 - 773 - 1532

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