We want to know so much more about our child’s day besides it being “Good, fine or nothing!” Who did they play with? What did they learn? What do they think about school? We want all of this information but our children have yet to develop their communication skills in order for us to successfully acquire it.
We collected some of the most parent-approved questions to ask your children to not only give us the answers that we seek, but to also help and develop their speaking and communication skills!

1. If you’re wondering whether your child had fun at school, ask them, “Who did you play with at school today? What did you play?” This would make the question open-ended and could give you a deeper insight into their favorite activity of the day.
2. “Who do you think is the funniest person in your class?” This question could help you get to know the characters in your child’s classroom and who they mingle with.
3. “If school today were a movie, what movie would it be?” This question might be more appropriate for older children and teenagers. Not only would their response give you a preview of how they view their school life, but it could also develop their creative thinking abilities.
4. “What was the hardest thing you had to do today?” The response to this question could lead us to discover what they struggled with the most that day and present areas in which we could either assist or offer reassurance.
5. "Can you show me something that you learned in school today?" Sometimes, words just aren’t making the cut and children could be more expressive with their hands. Teachers sometimes show children classroom experiments with common household items! It would be great fun to see what information your children retained from their lessons that day as well as bond with them.
6. "If you had the power to read minds, which teacher’s mind would you read? Which student? Why?” The answers to these questions would give you an insight into your child’s personality and unique curiosities! Would your child want to read people’s minds? For what reasons?
7. “If you were to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you do?” The answer to this question will help us discover what routines your child has in the classroom and what changes they would make if they had the power to do so. For older children and teens, this could also segue into the deeper question of “Well, what do you think you can do as a student?”