Homework is not something that most children – or their parents – look forward to when going back to school, but with a few simple tricks, it can become manageable and fun!
Designate a study area
One of the most important steps in getting to work is creating a space that makes you fall immediately into work mode. Providing a well-lit, quiet area that is stocked with supplies will help your child stay on task.
Schedule a regular study time
Developing a routine is one of the most important factors to getting work done. Set a regular time for your child to finish his/her homework. Pick a time that works best with your child: after a snack and some playtime, after dinner, or even right when they get home from school.
Keep extra supplies on hand
Children know the best way to procrastinate is to go in search of a pencil, paper, book, or anything else he/she may need. If you keep a hearty supply of these things in your child’s study area, there will be no more wandering around and homework will get done quicker.
Plan/Get to work early
Having a plan, like breaking up a large pile of homework into smaller chunks, makes doing homework much easier and more manageable. Create a work schedule, and be sure to get started early. This will leave plenty of time for dinner or playtime after the homework is completed.
Build confidence by being a motivator and monitor
When children don’t understand a concept right away, they can often shut down from negative thoughts. As a parent, your job is to be the motivator during these times. Sit down with your child and try to work out the problem together. Don’t forget to heap on the praise when your child does solve the problem.
Use technology when necessary
Sometimes, the only way to solve a difficult problem is to turn to the computer. Don’t be afraid to grab your laptop or tablet to find the answer to a problem, but be sure not to leave the piece of technology out when you’re not using it.